Ongoing studies

Our current research studies are listed here.

Threshold for Platelets study (T4P): a prospective randomised trial to define the platelet count below which critically ill patients should receive a platelet transfusion prior to an invasive procedure
Evaluating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of Sodium Bicarbonate administration for critically ill patients with Acute Kidney Injury (MOSAICC)
Oxygen in Paediatric Intensive Care (Oxy-PICU): A Randomised Multiple Centre Trial of Conservative versus Liberal Oxygenation Targets in Critically Ill Children
Exploring pulse oXimeter Accuracy across sKin Tones (EXAKT): A study to determine the effect of skin tone on the diagnostic accuracy of pulse oximeters
Intensive care unit randomised trial comparing two approaches to Oxygen therapy (UK-ROX)
A Randomised, Embedded, Multi-factorial, Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (REMAP-CAP)
A randomised controlled trial of no routine gastric residual monitoring to guide enteral feeding in paediatric intensive care units (GASTRIC-PICU)
PRotocolised Evaluation of permiSSive blood pressure targets versus usual caRE (PRESSURE)
Critical Illness Related Cardiac Arrest (CIRCA): an investigation of the incidence and outcome of cardiac arrest within Intensive Care Units in the United Kingdom
FIRST-line support for Assistance in Breathing in Children (FIRST-ABC)