Step 2: Checking eligibility – inclusion criteria

Inclusion Critera

  • Adult (aged 18 or over)
  • Accepted for admission or admitted to a participating critical care unit (Patients can become eligible from the point of decision to admit to critical care (e.g., in A&E, on the ward))
  • Platelet count <50×109/L (i.e., 49 or less)
  • Planned to undergo a specified low bleeding risk procedure OR platelet transfusion being considered for an ‘other’ procedure

Specified procedures

  • Central venous vascular catheter insertion (including vascular access for renal replacement therapy)
  • Paracentesis/superficial abdominal fluid collection drainage
  • Pleural aspiration

Other procedures

  • Arterial catheter insertion
  • Arterial or central venous catheter removal
  • Pleural drain
  • Interventional radiology
  • Bronchoscopy with or without lavage
  • Wound dressing changes
  • Surgical procedures where the clinical team agree risk of bleeding is low, e.g. re-look laparotomy, or wound closure